Monday, August 27, 2012

Tuesday's Lesson: All About You

Here are some resources that might be useful for our class on Tuesday:

  1. 35 Things that make you Unique
  2. Interesting: You are One in a Ten Billion!! READ
Our Vocabulary List One:
1) civ-ic A- Having to do with the city, like a public place;
(adjective) OR – having to do with our duties as citizens
B-We went to the civic center to watch the play.
C- It is a part of our __________ responsibility to vote.

2) mu-nic-i-pal A- similar to “civic”
(adjective) B- We played at the public, municipal golf course.
C- The ______________ building downtown is closed on holidays.

3) gov-ern-ment A- A group of people who make laws and control a place (country or city)
(adjective or noun) B- My brother has a government job for the city.
C- ____________________________________________________

4) e-lec-ted of-fi-cial A- a person we vote for, like the mayor, governor, or school board
B- It is the duty of our elected officials to serve the public.

5-7) <---du-ty------------ob-lig-a-tion------------------re-spon-sib-il-i-ty--------->

A- A “duty” is something that you have naturally, like your duty as a citizen. An “obligation” is something “acquired,” like if you owe something because of a choice you made. You need to do a “duty” and it is usually something positive. An “obligation” is sometimes something someone TELLS you to do.

B- A responsibility is something that you may or may not do. A duty is something that you feel that you ALWAYS have to do. A person may have many responsibilities, and you usually do your best to fulfill them.

List some examples of “duties”: _________________________________________________
List some examples of “responsibilities”: _____________________________________________

8) en-tre-pre-neur (noun) A- someone who invests money in a business to make more money
entrepreneurial (adjective) B-One of the most successful entrepreneurs of all time is Donald Trump.
C- _______________________________________________________

9) bus-in-ess Uses: He is a successful business man.
The new store is now open for business.
That information is none of your business.

What do you think “business” means? ____________________________________________

10-23) hope, dream, goal, as-pir-a-tion, to “aspire to”,

What is the difference between a “dream” and a “goal” ?

Synonym set A (nouns): aim, am-bit-ion, vo-ca-tion, en-deav-or, in-clin-a-tion, ob-jec-tive
Synonym set B (nouns): hope, dream, urge, yearn-ing, long-ing, pas-sion

Try some:
One ___________________ of mine is to become a ____________________.

What is the difference between Set A and Set B above?

24-25) <<<---job----------car-eer-------------------vo-ca-tion------>>

What is the difference between these three?

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