Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Intro. to English - Newsletter One

Hello Parents!

I am one of your child's teachers for "Introduction to English." This year, we are trying an innovative new approach for many of our freshmen. Our goal is to give them a dramatic, significant boost in their reading skills to make them more successful in high school and in their lives beyond.

For first and second periods, Ms. Poole and I have our students for half the period each day, and then we switch. During third period, Ms. Shirk and I do the same thing with our classes. As a result, I get to teach all 110 of the students who have yearlong English at our high school. That is an overwhelming responsibility, and I do not take it lightly.

I can hardly contain my excitement when I tell you that things are going extremely well so far! My "mantra" that is guiding my instruction is that every day, students in my class will Read, Write, Speak, and THINK!

Ms. Poole, Ms. Shirk and I are coordinating our efforts so that our lessons go hand-in-hand to give your child the best possible education in the area of language arts. This first 90-day semester is centered around foundational skills in reading and writing fluency, grammar instruction, vocabulary development, research and analysis, and study skills. Ms. Poole has lined up an array of guest speakers this unit to broaden our students' awareness of career opportunities. Our aim is that they set some goals to guide their education here at LSHS.

We want to keep communication lines open, so we are available if you should ever have any questions. You can email us at,, or, or call the school at 336-242-1574. If you're receiving this newsletter on paper and would like to get it directly in your "inbox," you can go to my website at and sign up. Just find the box that says "Get Email Updates."

Again, let's all stand behind our children as they enter this new chapter in their lives. High school is a time for them to get and stay on the right track academically. We have a strong team of teachers and staff at our high school who are working together to help make that reality happen for our children.


Scott Plaster
Reading Specialist
Lexington Senior High School

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