Active Reading

Course Overview
This class will increase your reading fluency, accuracy, and comprehension. Each day, we will have a "Corrective Reading" lesson, which is a "direct" instruction program in decoding skills that has been used for over 35 years and is proven to make students better readers. When you become better word decoders, your reading speed and fluency will improve and you will better understand what you read. Because of its goals, Active Reading could be the most important class that students have at Lexington Senior High School by making them more successful than ever. Students will approach reading and academics with more confidence with actual skills and tools at their disposal. You can read about the success of our reading program here at Lexington in this article in the Dispatch.

Course Website and Computers
Our class is online! We will use the website for instructional purposes such as monitoring our progress, connecting to learning resources, communicating with each other, and completing assignments. Please familiarize yourself with this website as much as possible because the more use you can make of it, the better. Our freshmen class has been blessed with our One-to-One laptop initiative, so we will have computers at our disposal on a daily basis. We will use them for drill and practice, research, and computer-based activities.

Class Rules
  1. Be Prompt
  2. Be Polite
  3. Be Prepared
We will have very clear procedures to follow during our reading lessons and learning center activities. For our Word Attack exercises, the rules are 1) Follow my Instructions, 2) Answer when I give you the signal, and 3) Work Hard. For our Group Reading, the rules are 1) Point to each word that is read, 2) Read loudly when I call on you, and 3) Stop at the end of each sentence. Other procedures will be important for our class: Always be on time because we will begin our reading lesson immediately. Avoid leaving class because every minute of class is important. I do not expect that we will encounter behavior problems in this class; this class and our class time are FAR too important to have distractions or disturbances.

Our reading lessons have a built-in point system that determines your grade. In addition, you will earn points for learning center activities, required homework, and quizzes on our class reading. We will use the schoolwide grading system to weight the grades (Tests = 50%, Homework = 10%, and Quizzes/Classwork/Other = 40%)

Materials The following materials are needed for class. Please obtain them and bring them with you each day:
  • LOOSEleaf notebook paper
  • pencils (required for some tests)
  • a pen