Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Updates from our Scholastic Program....

Lexington Finishes 8th in State

Lexington Finishes 8th in State in "Twelve"

"The Quill" State Championship 
hosted at Lexington HS March 3

Lexington Show Choir to Compete
in NC Glee Club Competition May 5

Lexington Students to Compete in Regional Qualifying March 22

Two Jacket Teams to Compete in NC Economics Challenge 
the week of March 12-16. Beware the Ides of March!
Lexington Jacket Chess Team to Compete in State Championship March 16-18

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lexington Starts Quiz Bowl Season 2-1

Lexington High School's Quiz Bowl Season is off to a tremendous start, as its A team came away from the first meet with a 2-1 record in the Triad Conference of NCASA's unprecedented weekly conference play.

Coached by Dr. Keith Curry, the A team is made up of LSH seniors Sethea Seang (captain), Marcus Johnson, Daniel Owens, Crystal Nem, and Jennifer Rivera. "It was SO fun! I wish we could do this every Friday night of the year," said one of the players. LSH also fielded a second team made of sophomores Alex Leng (captain), Arefa Bacchus, Karan Deocharan, and Ariadna Martinez.

For the first time in North Carolina history, quiz bowl teams are competing in "conference play" on a weekly basis; the North Carolina Association of Scholastic Activities (NCASA) is sponsoring this six-week long period of contests that will lead up to the District Competition on Saturday, March 10. At the district competition, Lexington will field a single team and will battle to go to the State Championship on March 24th.

With two, top-ten finishes in state championship academic competitions (one at the Science Bowl and the other at Twelve), Lexington Senior High is ranked 2nd out of 79 member schools in NCASA's Scholastic Cup standings. The annual cup's winner is billed as the "top high school in the state."

The standings for the weekly quiz bowl conference can be followed here:

LSH Scholastic Director Scott Plaster also attended the meet, saying, "I was very impressed with all of our students' performances tonight. This helps show that our students can compete with the smartest students anywhere in the state. It takes an entire faculty and the entire school to prepare students for this type of competition."

Lexington High School will play host to other schools on Fridays Feb. 24 and March 2, both at 4:30. Spectators are welcome to attend.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

LSH Science Finishes 8th in NC Science Bowl

Four Lexington Senior High Students in the NC Region of the Science Bowl on Saturday, January 28 and brought home another top-ten state finish to put the school second in the NCASA Scholastic Cup standings. The LSHS team competed admirably against even the repeating champions from the NC School of Science and Math, winning three straight toss-ups before the half. They were also able to beat a team from Raleigh Charter School, a school that made it to the semi-finals. Team members were MiKayla Cross, Evan McIntosh, Sethea Seang, and Alexander Leng. The team was coached by science teacher extraordinaire Kristen Wall.

The Science Bowl is sponsored by the US Department of Energy and the NC contest was held in Durham on the NC Central campus. A general opening and introduction was planned for all teams on Friday, and the competition started early Saturday morning and lasted into the afternoon.

It takes an entire faculty to prepare our students for such academic challenges. Congratulations to all teachers at the school who have taught these students, in any subject. Lexington High School has some of the best teachers and students anywhere. We can and will become recognized for our academics if we all continue to work together in our goal of excellence.